

Pech-Maho. Commercial transaction on lead tablet

r obverse:
ἀκ̣άτι̣[..] ἐπρίατ̣ο̣ [..]πρι[.. παρὰ τῶν] (vac. )
Ἐμποριτέων· ἐπρίατο τε[. 8.] (vac. )
ἐμοὶ μετέδωκε τὤμυσυ τ[ρίτ]ο̄ ἡ[μι]οκταν̣ -
ίο̄. τρίτον ἡμιεκτάνιον ἔδωκα ἀριθμῶ-
5ι καὶ ἐγγυητήριον τρίτην αὐτός· καὶ κε-
ῖν’ ἔλαβεν ἐν τῶι ποταμῶι· τὸν ἀρρα-
βῶν’ ἀνέδωκα ὅκο̄ τἀκάτια ὁρμίζεται·
μάρτυρ· Βασιγερρος καὶ Βλερυας καὶ
Γολο[.]βιυρ καὶ Σεδεγων· ο[ὗ]τοι μάρτ-
10(vac. )υρες εὖτε τὸν ἀρραβῶν’ ἀνέδωκα,
(vac. ) [ε]ὖτε δὲ ἀπέδωκα τὸ χρῆμα τρίτον
(vac. ) [ἡμ]ιοκτά̣ν̣ι[ο]ν, [.]αυαρας Ναλβε[..]ν
v reverse:

Ampolo, C. and T. Caruso (1990-1991), ‘I Greci e gli altri nel Mediterraneo occidentale: circolazione di beni, di uomini, di istituti’, Opus 9-10, 29-58
Braun, T. (2004), ‘Hecataeus’ Knowledge of the Western Mediterranean’, in Lomas K. (ed.), Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean. Papers in Honour of B. Shefton, Brill-Leiden-Boston, 287-348
Castellano i Arolas, M. (2007), 'Datos para una reconstrucción de los hechos contenidos en el plomo griego de Pech Maho', Dike 10, 137-154
Ceccarelli, P. (2013), Ancient Greek Letter Writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford
Chadwick, J. (1990), ‘The Pech-Maho Lead’, ZPE 82, 161-166
Cristofani, M. (1993), ‘Il testo di Pech-Maho, Aleria e i traffici del V secolo a.C.’, MEFRA 105, 833-845
Decourt, J.C. (2000), ‘État de la recherche 1999’, Archéologie en Languedoc 24, 111-124
Decourt, J.-C. (2014), 'Lettres privées grecques sur plomb et céramique', in J. Schneider (ed.), La lettre gréco-latine, un genre littéraire?, Lyon, 25-79
Demetriou, D. (2012), Negotiating Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Archaic and Classical Greek Multiethnic Emporia, Cambridge
De Hoz, J. (1999), ‘Los negocios del senor Heronoiyos. Un documento mercantil, jonio clasico temprano, del Sur de Francia’, in J.A. Lopez (ed.), Desde los poemas homéricos hasta la prosa griega del siglo IV d.C. Veintiseis estudios filológicos, Madrid, 61-90
Faraguna, M. (2002), ‘Scrittura, commercio e pratiche giuridiche. Recenti studi sull’’emporía’ greca’, Dike 5, 237-254
Harris, E.M. (2013), 'Were there Business Agents in Classical Greece? The Evidence of Some Lead Letters', in U. Yiftach-Firanko (ed.), The Letter. Law, State, Society and the Epistolary Format in the Ancient World. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the American Academy in Rome 28–30.9.2008, Wiesbaden, 105-124
Lejeune, M. (1991), ‘Ambiguïtés du text de Pech-Maho’, REG 104, 311-329
Lejeune, M. and J. Pouilloux (1988), ‘Une transaction commerciale ionienne au Ve s. av. J.C. à Pech-Maho’, CRAI, 526-536
Lejeune, M., J. Pouilloux and Y. Solier (1988), ‘Etrusque et ionien archaïques sur un plomb de Pech Maho (Aude)’, RAN 21, 19-59
Lombardo, M. (2002), ‘Emporoi, Emporion, Emporitai: forme e dinamiche del commercio greco nella penisola iberica’, in G. Urso (ed.), Hispania terris omnibus felicior. Premesse ed esiti di un processo di integrazione. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cividale del Friuli, 27-29 settembre 2001), Pisa, 73-87
Pébarthe, C. and F. Delrieux (1999), ‘La transaction du plomb de Pech-Maho’, ZPE 126, 155-161
Pena, M.-J. (2014), 'Quelques réflexions sur les plombs inscrits d’Emporion et de Pech Maho. Pech Maho était-il un “comptoir du sel” ?', REA 116, 3-22
Pouilloux, J. (1990), ‘Un texte commercial ionien trouvé en Languedoc et la colonisation ionienne’, Scienze dell’antichità 2, 535-546
Rodríguez Somolinos, H. (1996), ‘The commercial transaction of the Pech-Maho lead’, ZPE 111, 74-78
Ruiz Darasse, C. (2016), 'Les plombs inscrits du Languedoc ibère 25 ans après', in A.-F. Baroni, G. Bernard, B. Le Teuff and C. Ruiz Darasse (eds.), Échanger en Méditerranée: Acteurs, pratiques et normes dans les mondes anciens, Rennes, 107-125
Santiago, R.A. (2003), ‘Las láminas de plomo de Ampurias y Pech Maho revisitadas’, ZPE 144, 170-172
Van Effenterre, H. and J. Vélissaropoulos (1991), ‘Une affaire d’affrètement. À propos du «plomb de Pech-Maho»’, RHDF 2, 217-226
Vinogradov, Y. (1998), ‘The Greek Colonization of the Black Sea Region in the Light of Private Lead Letters’, in G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area. Historical Interpretation of Archaeology, Stuttgart, 153-178
Wilson, J.P. (1997-1998), ‘The illiterate trader’, BICS 42, 29-53
TM Number: 447706
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  7                <title>Pech-Maho. Commercial transaction on lead tablet</title>
  8                <editor>Donatella Erdas</editor>
  9                <editor>Anna Magnetto</editor>
 10            </titleStmt>
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 12                <authority>Laboratory of Computer Sciences for Ancient Languages, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa</authority>
 13                <idno type="filename">GEI007</idno>
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 17                <ab>Aimed for
 18                <bibl xml:id="ErdMagCS"><author>D. Erdas</author>, <author>A. Magnetto</author>, 
 19                    <title>Corpus delle iscrizioni economiche greche</title> in c.s.</bibl>;
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 25                            <objectDesc>
 26                                <supportDesc>
 27                                    <support>
 28                                        <p>fragmentary rectangular <material>bronze</material> <objectType>plaque</objectType> written on both sides: 
 29                                            the Greek text on the recto followed the Etruscan inscription engraved on the verso 
 30                                            (dimensions: <dimensions>
 31                                                <height unit="mm">52</height>
 32                                                <width unit="mm">115</width>
 33                                                <depth unit="mm">1,1</depth></dimensions>). 
 34                                            The plaque was rolled up with the receiver’s name written along the verso’s right side; the name erased partially the Etruscan text</p>
 35                                    </support>
 36                                </supportDesc>
 37                                <layoutDesc>
 38                                    <layout>almost <foreign xml:lang="grc-Latn">stoichedon</foreign> (ca. 29 letters)</layout>
 39                                </layoutDesc>
 40                            </objectDesc>
 41                            <handDesc>
 42                                <handNote>Phocaean alphabet</handNote>
 43                            </handDesc>
 44                        </physDesc>
 45                        <history>
 46                            <origin>
 47                                <ab><origPlace>a Ionic settlement in Iberic area.</origPlace></ab>
 48                                <ab><origDate notBefore="-0475" notAfter="-0450" precision="low">475-450 BC</origDate></ab>
 49                            </origin>
 50                            <provenance>
 51                                <listEvent>
 52                                    <event type="found">
 53                                        <p>Sigean (<placeName>Pech-Maho</placeName> <foreign xml:lang="la">oppidum</foreign>), France</p>
 54                                    </event>
 55                                    <event type="observed">
 56                                        <p>?</p>
 57                                    </event>
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 66            <p>Marked-up according to the EpiDoc Guidelines and Schema, version 8</p>
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 68                <p>Sample for a Corpus of Greek Economical Inscriptions</p>
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 73                <language ident="grc">Ancient Greek</language>
 74                <language ident="la">Latin</language>
 75                <language ident="grc-Latn">Transliterated Greek</language>
 76                <language ident="en">English</language>
 77                <language ident="it">Italian</language>
 78                <language ident="fr">French</language>
 79                <language ident="de">German</language>
 80            </langUsage>
 81            <textClass>
 82                <keywords scheme="subjects">
 83                    <term>security</term>
 84                    <term>sale</term>
 85                    <term>real estate</term>
 86                    <term>prices</term>
 87                </keywords>
 88                <keywords scheme="type">
 89                    <term>private deed</term>
 90                </keywords>
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 94    <text>
 95        <body>
 96            <div type="bibliography" subtype="referenceEdition">
 97                <head>Reference edition</head>
 98                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0051">Ampolo, Caruso 1990-1991</ref>, <biblScope unit="page">32</biblScope>,</bibl> 
 99                    <bibl>after <ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0052">Chadwick 1990</ref></bibl>
100            </div>
102            <div type="bibliography" subtype="editions">
103                <head>Other editions</head>
104                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0053">Lejeune, Pouilloux, Solier 1988</ref>;</bibl>
105                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0054">Rodríguez Somolinos 1996</ref>, <biblScope unit="page">75</biblScope>, no. 2 (<title>SEG</title> 46 1366; see also Castellano i Arolas 2007);</bibl>
106                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0043">H.Van Effenterre, F. Ruzé, <title>Nomima</title></ref>, <biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">75</biblScope>;</bibl>
107                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0055">Wilson 1997-1998</ref> (see also Harris 2013, 124);</bibl>
108                <bibl>J.-C. Decourt, <title>IGF</title> 135 (see also Decourt 2014, no. 8)</bibl>
110            </div>
112            <div type="bibliography" subtype="illustrations">
113                <head>Photographs</head>
114                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0053">Lejeune, Pouilloux, Solier 1988</ref>;</bibl>
115                <bibl>Ampolo, Caruso 1990-1991, fig. 3 (facsimile);</bibl>
116                <bibl>Decourt 2014, no. 8</bibl>
117            </div>
119            <div type="bibliography" subtype="translations">
120                <head>Translations</head>
121                <bibl>Lejeune, Pouilloux 1988 (French);</bibl>
122                <bibl>Pouilloux 1988 (French);</bibl>
123                <bibl>Chadwick 1990 (English);</bibl>
124                <bibl>Ampolo, Caruso 1990-1991 (Italian);</bibl>
125                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0043"><title>Nomima</title></ref>, <biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">75</biblScope> (French);</bibl>
126                <bibl>Castellano i Arolas 2007, 137-154 (Spanish);</bibl>
127                <bibl>Demetriou 2012, 43-44 (English);</bibl>
128                <bibl>Ceccarelli 2013, B3 (English)</bibl>
129                <bibl>Decourt 2014, no. 8 (French)</bibl>
130            </div>
132            <div type="bibliography" subtype="other">
133                <head>Bibliography</head>
134                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0056">Lejeune, Pouilloux, CRAI, 1988</ref>;</bibl>
135                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0057">Pouilloux, Scienze dell’antichità, 2, 1988 (1990)</ref>;</bibl>
136                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0058">Van Effenterre, Vélissaropoulos 1991</ref>;</bibl>
137                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0059">Lejeune 1991</ref>;</bibl>
138                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0060">Cristofani 1993</ref>;</bibl>
139                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0061">Vinogradov 1998</ref>, 166-170;</bibl>
140                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0062">Pébarthe, Delrieux 1999</ref>;</bibl>
141                    <bibl>De Hoz <date>1999</date>, <biblScope unit="page">61-90</biblScope>;</bibl>
142                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0063">Decourt 2000</ref>;</bibl>
143                    <bibl>Braun <date>2004</date>, <biblScope unit="page">315-316</biblScope>;</bibl>
144                    <bibl>Lombardo <date>2002</date>, <biblScope unit="page">73-87</biblScope>;</bibl>
145                    <bibl>Faraguna 2002, 247-252</bibl>
146                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0064">Santiago 2003</ref> (<title>SEG</title> 53 1149);</bibl>
147                    <bibl>Castellano i Arolas 2007, 137-154 (<title>SEG</title> 57 986);</bibl>
148                    <bibl>Demetriou 2012, 43-44</bibl>
149                    <bibl>Ceccarelli 2013, B3;</bibl>
150                    <bibl>Harris 2013, 118-120;</bibl>
151                    <bibl>Pena 2014;</bibl>
152                    <bibl>Ruiz Darasse 2016</bibl>
153            </div>
154            <div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" xml:space="preserve">
155                <div type="textpart" n="r">
156                    <head xml:lang="en">obverse</head>
157                <ab>
158                    <lb n="1"/><w part="I" lemma="ἀκάτιον"><unclear>κ</unclear>άτ<unclear>ι</unclear></w><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="πρίαμαι">ἐπρία<unclear>το</unclear></w></rs> <gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/><w part="M">πρι</w><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost"><w lemma="παρά">παρὰ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶν</w></supplied> <space/>
159                    <lb n="2"/><rs type="ethnic" ref="GEIListPlace/#plc0009"><w lemma="Ἐμπορίται">Ἐμποριτέων</w></rs>· <rs type="economic"><w lemma="πρίαμαι">ἐπρίατο</w></rs> <w part="I">τε</w><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/> <space/>
160                    <lb n="3"/><w lemma="ἐγώ">ἐμοὶ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="μεταδίδωμι">μετέδωκε</w></rs> <measure type="currency" unit="unknown" quantity="0.5"><!-- problem --><w lemma="ὁ"><w lemma="ἥμισυς">τὤμυσυ</w></w></measure> <measure type="currency" unit="unknown" quantity="20"><w lemma="τρίτος">τ<supplied reason="lost">ρίτ</supplied>ο̄</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἡμιοκτάνιος"><supplied reason="lost">μι</supplied>οκτα<unclear>ν</unclear>
161                    <lb n="4" break="no"/>ίο̄</w></rs></measure>. <measure type="currency" unit="unknown" quantity="15"><w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτον</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἡμιεκτάνιος">ἡμιεκτάνιον</w></rs></measure> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="δίδωμι">ἔδωκα</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀριθμός">ἀριθμῶ
162                    <lb n="5" break="no"/>ι</w></rs> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἐγγυητήριον">ἐγγυητήριον</w></rs> <measure type="time" unit="day" quantity="3"><rs type="economic"><w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτην</w></rs></measure> <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτός</w>· <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ἐκεῖνος">κε
163                    <lb n="6" break="no"/>ῖν’</w> <w lemma="λαμβάνω">ἔλαβεν</w> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w> <w lemma="ποταμός">ποταμῶι</w>· <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀρραβών">ἀρρα
164                    <lb n="7" break="no"/>βῶν’</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀναδίδωμι">ἀνέδωκα</w></rs> <w lemma="ὅπου">ὅκο̄</w> <!-- problem --><w lemma="ὁ"><w lemma="ἀκάτιον">τἀκάτια</w></w> <w lemma="ὁρμίζω">ὁρμίζεται</w>·
165                    <lb n="8"/><rs type="economic"><w lemma="μάρτυς">μάρτυρ</w></rs>· <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0008"><name nymRef="Βασιγερρος"><w lemma="Βασιγερρος">Βασιγερρος</w></name></persName> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0009"><name nymRef="Βλερυας"><w lemma="Βλερυας">Βλερυας</w></name></persName> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w>
166                    <lb n="9"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt00010"><name>Γολο<gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>βιυρ</name></persName> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0011"><name nymRef="Σεδεγων"><w lemma="Σεδεγων">Σεδεγων</w></name></persName>· <w lemma="οὗτος">ο<supplied reason="lost"></supplied>τοι</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="μάρτυς">μάρτ
167                    <lb n="10" break="no"/><space/>υρες</w></rs> <w lemma="εὖτε">εὖτε</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀρραβών">ἀρραβῶν’</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀναδίδωμι">ἀνέδωκα</w></rs>,
168                    <lb n="11"/><space/> <w lemma="εὖτε"><supplied reason="lost">ε</supplied>ὖτε</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀποδίδωμι">ἀπέδωκα</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρῆμα">χρῆμα</w></rs> <measure type="currency" unit="unknown" quantity="20"><w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτον</w>
169                    <lb n="12"/><space/> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἡμιοκτάνιος"><supplied reason="lost">ἡμ</supplied>ιοκτ<unclear>άν</unclear>ι<supplied reason="lost">ο</supplied>ν</w></rs></measure>, <persName type="private"><name><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>αυαρας</name></persName> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0013"><name>Ναλβε<gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/>ν</name></persName>
170                </ab>
171                </div>
172                    <div type="textpart" n="v">
173                    <head>reverse</head>
174                <ab>
175                   <lb n="13"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0014"><name nymRef="Ἡρωνοίιος"><w lemma="Ἡρωνοίιος">Ἡρωνοίιος</w></name></persName>
176                </ab>
177                    </div>
178            </div>
180            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve">
181                <lb/>
182                <lb/>
183                <lb/><p>Ampolo, C. and T. Caruso (1990-1991), ‘I Greci e gli altri nel Mediterraneo occidentale: circolazione di beni, di uomini, di istituti’, <title>Opus</title> 9-10, 29-58</p> 
184                <lb/><p>Braun, T. (2004), ‘Hecataeus’ Knowledge of the Western Mediterranean’, in Lomas K. (ed.), <title>Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean</title>. <title>Papers in Honour of B. Shefton</title>, Brill-Leiden-Boston, 287-348</p>
185                <lb/><p>Castellano i Arolas, M. (2007), 'Datos para una reconstrucción de los hechos contenidos en el plomo griego de Pech Maho', <title>Dike</title> 10, 137-154</p>
186                <lb/><p>Ceccarelli, P. (2013), <title>Ancient Greek Letter Writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC)</title>, Oxford</p>
187                <lb/><p>Chadwick, J. (1990), ‘The Pech-Maho Lead’, <title>ZPE</title> 82, 161-166</p>
188                <lb/><p>Cristofani, M. (1993), ‘Il testo di Pech-Maho, Aleria e i traffici del V secolo a.C.’, <title>MEFRA</title> 105, 833-845</p>                
189                <lb/><p>Decourt, J.C. (2000), ‘État de la recherche 1999’, <title>Archéologie en Languedoc</title> 24, 111-124</p>
190                <lb/><p>Decourt, J.-C. (2014), 'Lettres privées grecques sur plomb et céramique', in J. Schneider (ed.), <title>La lettre gréco-latine, un genre littéraire?</title>, Lyon, 25-79</p>                
191                <lb/><p>Demetriou, D. (2012), <title>Negotiating Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Archaic and Classical Greek Multiethnic Emporia</title>, Cambridge</p>
192                <lb/><p>De Hoz, J. (1999), ‘Los negocios del senor Heronoiyos. Un documento mercantil, jonio clasico temprano, del Sur de Francia’, in J.A. Lopez (ed.), <title>Desde los poemas homéricos hasta la prosa griega del siglo IV d.C. Veintiseis estudios filológicos</title>, Madrid, 61-90</p>
193                <lb/><p>Faraguna, M. (2002), ‘Scrittura, commercio e pratiche giuridiche. Recenti studi sull’’emporía’ greca’, <title>Dike</title> 5, 237-254</p>
194                <lb/><p>Harris, E.M. (2013), 'Were there Business Agents in Classical Greece? The Evidence of Some Lead Letters', in U. Yiftach-Firanko (ed.), <title>The Letter. Law, State, Society and the Epistolary Format in the Ancient World</title>. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the American Academy in Rome 28–30.9.2008, Wiesbaden, 105-124</p> 
195                <lb/><p>Lejeune, M. (1991), ‘Ambiguïtés du text de Pech-Maho’, <title>REG</title> 104, 311-329</p>
196                <lb/><p>Lejeune, M. and J. Pouilloux (1988), ‘Une transaction commerciale ionienne au Ve s. av. J.C. à Pech-Maho’, <title>CRAI</title>, 526-536</p>
197                <lb/><p>Lejeune, M., J. Pouilloux and Y. Solier (1988), ‘Etrusque et ionien archaïques sur un plomb de Pech Maho (Aude)’, <title>RAN</title> 21, 19-59</p>                
198                <lb/><p>Lombardo, M. (2002), ‘Emporoi, Emporion, Emporitai: forme e dinamiche del commercio greco nella penisola iberica’, in G. Urso (ed.), Hispania terris omnibus felicior. <title>Premesse ed esiti di un processo di integrazione</title>. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cividale del Friuli, 27-29 settembre 2001), Pisa, 73-87</p>
199                <lb/><p>Pébarthe, C. and F. Delrieux (1999), ‘La transaction du plomb de Pech-Maho’, <title>ZPE</title> 126, 155-161</p>
200                <lb/><p>Pena, M.-J. (2014), 'Quelques réflexions sur les plombs inscrits d’Emporion et de Pech Maho. Pech Maho était-il un “comptoir du sel” ?', <title>REA</title> 116, 3-22</p>
201                <lb/><p>Pouilloux, J. (1990), ‘Un texte commercial ionien trouvé en Languedoc et la colonisation ionienne’, <title>Scienze dell’antichità</title> 2, 535-546</p>
202                <lb/><p>Rodríguez Somolinos, H. (1996), ‘The commercial transaction of the Pech-Maho lead’, <title>ZPE</title> 111, 74-78</p>
203                <lb/><p>Ruiz Darasse, C. (2016), 'Les plombs inscrits du Languedoc ibère 25 ans après', in A.-F. Baroni, G. Bernard, B. Le Teuff and C. Ruiz Darasse (eds.), <title>Échanger en Méditerranée: Acteurs, pratiques et normes dans les mondes anciens</title>, Rennes, 107-125</p>
204                <lb/><p>Santiago, R.A. (2003), ‘Las láminas de plomo de Ampurias y Pech Maho revisitadas’, <title>ZPE</title> 144, 170-172</p>
205                <lb/><p>Van Effenterre, H. and J. Vélissaropoulos (1991), ‘Une affaire d’affrètement. À propos du «plomb de Pech-Maho»’, <title>RHDF</title> 2, 217-226</p>                
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