

Athens. Lease of a garden belonging to the orgeones of Heros Iatros

κατὰ τ[άδ]ε ἐμίσθωσεν
Χάροψ [Φ]αληρεὺς καὶ ο-
ἱ ὀργ[ε]ῶ̣νες τοῦ ἡρώιο
5τὸν κ̣[ῆπ]ον Θρασυβούλ-
ωι Ἀ̣[λωπε]κῆθεν εἴκοσι
δραχ̣[μῶν] τοῦ ἐνιαυτο͂
ἑκάστου ἔτη τριάκον-
τα· ἀποδιδόναι δὲ τὴν
10μίσθωσιν ἐν̣ τῶι Θαργ-
ηλιῶνι· ἐνοικοδομεῖ-
σθαι δὲ <Θ>ρασ[ύ]βουλον
ἐάν τι βούληται τοῖς
αὑτοῦ τέλε̣σιν ἐν τῶι
15χωρίωι τῶι ἔξω τοῦ ὀχ-
ετοῦ· ἐπειδὰν δὲ ἐξ<ή>κ-
ει ὁ χρόνος τῆς μισθω-
σεως ἀπιέναι Θρασύβ-
ουλον λαβόντα τὸν κέ-
20<ρ>αμον καὶ τὰ ξύλα κ<α>ὶ
τὰ θυρώματα, ἐὰμ μή τι
αὐτὸν πεί<θ>ει Χάροψ (vac. )
καὶ οἱ ὀργεῶνες· στήσ-
αι δὲ στήλην <Θ>ρασύβο-
25υλον ἐν τῶι ἱερῶι ἀντ-
ίγραφα τῶνδε τῶν συν-
θηκῶν. χρόνος· ἀρχει Ν-
ικοκράτης ἄρχων. χρη-
σ<θ>αι δὲ τῶι ἱερῶι. κα-
30θ̣αρῶι. (vac. )

Arnaoutoglou, I.N. (2003), Thusias heneka kai sunousias. Private Religious Associations in Hellenistic Athens, Athens
Jones, N.F. (2000), ‘Epigraphic Evidence for Farmstead Residence in Attica’, ZPE, 133, 75-90
Osborne, R. (1988), ‘Social and Economic Implications of the Leasing of Land and Property in Classical and Hellenistic Greece’, Chiron 18, 318-323
Papazarkadas, N. (2011), Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens, Oxford
Pernin, I. (2014), Les baux ruraux en Grèce ancienne : corpus épigraphique et étude, Lyon
Schwenk, C.J. (1985), Athens in the age of Alexander: the dated laws and decrees of ‘the Lykourgan era’ 338-322 B.C., Chicago
Vallindas, P.G. and N.I. Pantazopoulos (1948), Συμβολή εις τα περί μισθώσεως κατά το αρχαίον Ελληνικόν δίκαιον (Επιγραφή μισθώσεως του 4ου π.Χ. αι.), Athens
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  8                <editor>Donatella Erdas</editor>
  9                <editor>Anna Magnetto</editor>
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 18                <bibl xml:id="ErdMagCS"><author>D. Erdas</author>, <author>A. Magnetto</author>, 
 19                    <title>Corpus delle iscrizioni economiche greche</title> in c.s.</bibl>;
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 28                                        <p>five joining fragments from a <objectType>stele</objectType> of <material>white marble</material></p>
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 36                                <handNote>Ionic-attic letters</handNote>
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 41                                <ab><origPlace><placeName>Athens</placeName></origPlace></ab>
 42                                <ab><origDate notBefore="-0333" notAfter="-0332" evidence="internal-date">333/2 BC</origDate></ab>
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 47                                        <p><placeName>Athens</placeName>, Odos Euripidou</p>
 48                                    </event>
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 50                                        <p>Epigraphical Museum of Athens, inv. 13051</p>
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 62                <p>Sample for a Corpus of Greek Economical Inscriptions</p>
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 92        <body>
 93            <div type="bibliography" subtype="referenceEdition">
 94                <head>Reference edition</head>
 95                <bibl><title>SEG</title> 24 203 with changes</bibl>
 96            </div>
 97            <div type="bibliography" subtype="editions">
 98                <head>Other editions</head>
 99                <bibl>Vallindas, Pantazopoulos 1948, no. 5 (<title>ed. princeps</title>; cf. J. and L. Robert, <title>BE</title> 1950 72a;);</bibl>
100                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0002">Pleket, <title>Epigraphica</title></ref> 43;</bibl>
101                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0091">Pouilloux, <title>Nouveau Choix</title></ref> 27;</bibl>
102                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0028">Schwenk 1985</ref>, no. 32;</bibl>
103                <bibl><title>SEG</title> 35 239;</bibl>
104                <bibl>Pernin 2014, no. 4</bibl>
105            </div>
106            <div type="bibliography" subtype="illustrations">
107                <head>Photographs</head>
108                <bibl>Vallindas, Pantazopoulos 1948;</bibl>
109                <bibl>Pernin 2014, 47, fig. 4</bibl>
110            </div>
111            <div type="bibliography" subtype="translations">
112                <head>Translations</head>
113                <bibl>Pernin 2014, 47-48 (French)</bibl>
114            </div>
115            <div type="bibliography" subtype="other">
116                <head>Bibliography</head>
117                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0092">Osborne 1988</ref>;</bibl>
118                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0093">Behrend, <title>Attische Pachturkunden</title></ref>, 80 ff.;</bibl>
119                    <bibl>M.B. Walbank, <ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0033"><title>Agora</title> XIX</ref>, 158;</bibl>
120                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0095">Jones 2000</ref>, 81;</bibl>
121                <bibl>Arnaoutoglou 2003, 110‑113, 137‑138;</bibl>
122                <bibl>Papazarkadas 2011, 191‑197</bibl>
124            </div>
125            <div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" xml:space="preserve">
126                <ab>
127                    <lb n="1"/><w lemma="θεός">θεοί</w>.
128                    <lb n="2"/><w lemma="κατά">κατὰ</w> <w lemma="ὅδε">τ<supplied reason="lost">άδ</supplied>ε</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="μισθόω">ἐμίσθωσεν</w></rs>
129                    <lb n="3"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0056"><name nymRef="Χάροψ"><w lemma="Χάροψ">Χάροψ</w></name></persName> <placeName ref="GEIListPlace/#plc0120"><w lemma="Φαληρεύς"><supplied reason="lost">Φ</supplied>αληρεὺς</w></placeName> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">ο
130                    <lb break="no" n="4"/></w> <w lemma="ὀργέων">ὀργ<supplied reason="lost">ε</supplied><unclear></unclear>νες</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοῦ</w> <w lemma="ἡρῷον">ἡρώιο</w>
131                    <lb n="5"/><w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="κῆπος"><unclear>κ</unclear><supplied reason="lost">ῆπ</supplied>ον</w></rs> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0057"><name nymRef="Θρασύβουλος"><w lemma="Θρασύβουλος">Θρασυβούλ
132                    <lb break="no" n="6"/>ωι</w></name></persName> <placeName ref="GEIListPlace/#plc0067"><w lemma="Ἀλωπεκή"><unclear></unclear><supplied reason="lost">λωπε</supplied>κῆθεν</w></placeName> <measure type="currency" unit="drachma" quantity="20"><num value="20"><w lemma="εἴκοσι">εἴκοσι</w></num>
133                    <lb n="7"/><rs type="economic"><w lemma="δραχμή">δρα<unclear>χ</unclear><supplied reason="lost">μῶν</supplied></w></rs></measure> <w lemma="ὁ">τοῦ</w> <w lemma="ἐνιαυτός">ἐνιαυτο͂</w>
134                    <lb n="8"/><w lemma="ἕκαστος">ἑκάστου</w> <w lemma="ἔτος">ἔτη</w> <measure type="time" unit="day" quantity="30"><w lemma="τριάκοντα">τριάκον
135                    <lb break="no" n="9"/>τα</w></measure>· <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀποδίδωμι">ἀποδιδόναι</w></rs> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὴν</w>
136                    <lb n="10"/><rs type="economic"><w lemma="μίσθωσις">μίσθωσιν</w></rs> <w lemma="ἐν"><unclear>ν</unclear></w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w> <w lemma="Θαργηλιών">Θαργ
137                    <lb break="no" n="11"/>ηλιῶνι</w>· <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἐνοικοδομέω">ἐνοικοδομεῖ
138                    <lb break="no" n="12"/>σθαι</w></rs> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0057"><name nymRef="Θρασύβουλος"><w lemma="Θρασύβουλος"><supplied reason="omitted">Θ</supplied>ρασ<supplied reason="lost"></supplied>βουλον</w></name></persName>
139                    <lb n="13"/><w lemma="ἐάν">ἐάν</w> <w lemma="τις">τι</w> <w lemma="βούλομαι">βούληται</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοῖς</w>
140                    <lb n="14"/><w lemma="ἑαυτοῦ">αὑτοῦ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="τέλος">τέλ<unclear>ε</unclear>σιν</w></rs> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w>
141                    <lb n="15"/><rs type="economic"><w lemma="χωρίον">χωρίωι</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w> <w lemma="ἔξω">ἔξω</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοῦ</w> <w lemma="ὀχετός">ὀχ
142                    <lb break="no" n="16"/>ετοῦ</w>· <w lemma="ἐπειδάν">ἐπειδὰν</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ἐξήκω">ἐξ<supplied reason="omitted"></supplied>κ
143                    <lb break="no" n="17"/>ει</w> <w lemma="ὁ"></w> <w lemma="χρόνος">χρόνος</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῆς</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="μίσθωσις">μισθω
144                    <lb break="no" n="18"/>σεως</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀφίημι">ἀπιέναι</w></rs> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0057"><name nymRef="Θρασύβουλος"><w lemma="Θρασύβουλος">Θρασύβ
145                    <lb break="no" n="19"/>ουλον</w></name></persName> <w lemma="λαμβάνω">λαβόντα</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <w lemma="κέραμος">κέ
146                    <lb break="no" n="20"/><supplied reason="omitted">ρ</supplied>αμον</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <w lemma="ξύλον">ξύλα</w> <w lemma="καί">κ<supplied reason="omitted">α</supplied></w>
147                    <lb n="21"/><w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <w lemma="θύρωμα">θυρώματα</w>, <w lemma="ἐάν">ἐὰμ</w> <w lemma="ἐάν">μή</w> <w lemma="τις">τι</w>
148                    <lb n="22"/><w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτὸν</w> <w lemma="πείθω">πεί<supplied reason="omitted">θ</supplied>ει</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0056"><name nymRef="Χάροψ"><w lemma="Χάροψ">Χάροψ</w></name></persName> <space/>
149                    <lb n="23"/><w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">οἱ</w> <w lemma="ὀργέων">ὀργεῶνες</w>· <w lemma="ἵστημι">στήσ
150                    <lb break="no" n="24"/>αι</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="στήλη">στήλην</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0057"><name nymRef="Θρασύβουλος"><w lemma="Θρασύβουλος"><supplied reason="omitted">Θ</supplied>ρασύβο
151                    <lb break="no" n="25"/>υλον</w></name></persName> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w> <w lemma="ἱερόν">ἱερῶι</w> <w lemma="ἀντίγραφος">ἀντ
152                    <lb break="no" n="26"/>ίγραφα</w> <w lemma="ὅδε">τῶνδε</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶν</w> <w lemma="συνθήκη">συν
153                    <lb break="no" n="27"/>θηκῶν</w>. <w lemma="χρόνος">χρόνος</w>· <w lemma="ἄρχω">ἀρχει</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0058"><name nymRef="Νικοκράτης"><w lemma="Νικοκράτης">Ν
154                    <lb break="no" n="28"/>ικοκράτης</w></name></persName> <w lemma="ἄρχων">ἄρχων</w>. <w lemma="χράομαι">χρη
155                    <lb break="no" n="29"/>σ<supplied reason="omitted">θ</supplied>αι</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶι</w> <w lemma="ἱερόν">ἱερῶι</w>. <w lemma="καθαρός">κα
156                    <lb break="no" n="30"/><unclear>θ</unclear>αρῶι</w>. <space/>
157                </ab>
158            </div>
159            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve">
160                <lb/>
161                <lb/>
162                <lb/><p>Arnaoutoglou, I.N. (2003), <title>Thusias heneka kai sunousias. Private Religious Associations in Hellenistic Athens</title>, Athens</p>
163                <lb/><p>Jones, N.F. (2000), ‘Epigraphic Evidence for Farmstead Residence in Attica’, <title>ZPE</title>, 133, 75-90</p>
164                <lb/><p>Osborne, R. (1988), ‘Social and Economic Implications of the Leasing of Land and Property in Classical and Hellenistic Greece’, <title>Chiron</title> 18, 318-323</p>
165                <lb/><p>Papazarkadas, N. (2011), <title>Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens</title>, Oxford</p>
166                <lb/><p>Pernin, I. (2014), <title>Les baux ruraux en Grèce ancienne : corpus épigraphique et étude</title>, Lyon</p>
167                <lb/><p>Schwenk, C.J. (1985), <title>Athens in the age of Alexander: the dated laws and decrees of ‘the Lykourgan era’ 338-322 B.C.</title>, Chicago</p>
168                <lb/><p>Vallindas, P.G. and N.I. Pantazopoulos (1948), <title>Συμβολή εις τα περί μισθώσεως κατά το αρχαίον Ελληνικόν δίκαιον (Επιγραφή μισθώσεως του 4ου π.Χ. αι.)</title>, Athens</p>
169           </div>
171        </body>
172    </text>