

Olbia. Letter of Apatorios

A (exterior of the tablet)
Λήνακτι Ἀπατόριος τὰ χρήματα σισύλημαι ὐπ’ Ἡρακ-
λείδεω το͂ Ε[ὀ]θήριος κατὰ δύναμιν τὴν σὴν μὴ ἀπολέ-
σω τὰ χρήματα τὰ γὰρ χρ̣[ήμ]ατα σὰ ἐφάμην ἐ͂ναι καὶ Μένω-
ν ἔφατό σε ἐπ[ι]θε͂ναι ἐωυ̣τ̣ῶ̣ι καὶ τ[ἄ]<λ>λα ὄσα σὺ αὐτῶι ἐπέ-
5θηκας καὶ π[ρὸ]ς ἔφατο̣ {σ’} ἐμοὶ σὰ τὰ χρήματα ἐνῆν ἰὰν ἐπιθε-
ίης διφθέρια π[ρὸς] Ἡρακλείδην καὶ Θαθαίην τὰ χρήματα σ-
έο̣ Υ̣Σ̣ ὀπό[σο̄], [ἀποδ]ό̣σε̄· κε͂νοι γάρ φασιν ὄ τι σὸν ἔχοσιν ἀποδώ-
[σεν] τὸ συλη[θὲν ὄλ]ον ἐπτὰ καὶ εἴκοσιν στατῆρες· (vac. )
[τί(?) θε]λήσες; περὶ τῶν οἰκιητέων Θυμώλεω
10[. c. 10-11. Εὀ(?)]θυμίωι αὐτῶι μοι οὐκ οἶδα ἢν {Ε} γένηται εὀ͂ (vac. )

Bravo, B. (1977), ‘Remarques sur les assises sociales, les formes d’organisation et la terminologie du commerce maritime à l’époque archaïque’, DHA 3, 1-59
Ceccarelli, P. (2013), Ancient Greek Letter Writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford
Dana, M. (2004), ‘Lettre sur plomb d’Apatorios à Léanax. Un document archaïque d’Olbia du Pont’, ZPE 148, 1-14
Dana, M. (2007), ‘Lettres grecques dialectales nord-pontiques (sauf IGDOP 23-26)’, REA 109, 67-97
Eidinow, E. and C. Taylor (2010), ‘Lead-Letter Days: Writing, Communication and Crisis in the Ancient Greek World’, CQ 60, 30-62
Faraguna, M. (2002), ‘Scrittura, commercio e pratiche giuridiche. Recenti studi sull’’emporía’ greca’, Dike 5, 237-254
Gavriljuk, N.A. (2003), ‘The Graeco-Scythian Slave-Trade in the 6th and 5th Centuries BC’, in P. Guldager Bilde, V.F. Stolba, J. Munk Højte (eds.), The Cauldron of Ariantas. Studies Presented to A.N. Sceglov on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Aarhus, 75-85
Santiago, R.A. and M. Gardeñes (2006), ‘Algunas observaciones a la ‘Lettre d’Apatorios à Léanax’’, ZPE 157, 57-69
Vinogradov, J.G. (1981), Olbia: Geschichte einer altgriechischen Stadt am Schwarzen Meer, Konstanz
Vinogradov, J.G. (1997), Pontische Studien, Mainz
Vinogradov, J.G. (1999), ‘Archaische und frühklassische Epigraphik im nördlichen Pontosraum’, in XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina (Roma 18-24 settembre 1997). Atti, I, Roma, 135-146
Wilson, J.P. (1997-1998), ‘The illiterate trader’, BICS 42, 29-53
TM Number: 700716
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  7                <title>Olbia. Letter of Apatorios</title>
  8                <editor>Donatella Erdas</editor>
  9                <editor>Anna Magnetto</editor>
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 12                <authority>Laboratory of Computer Sciences for Ancient Languages, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa</authority>
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 17                <ab>Aimed for
 18                <bibl xml:id="ErdMagCS"><author>D. Erdas</author>, <author>A. Magnetto</author>, 
 19                    <title>Corpus delle iscrizioni economiche greche</title> in c.s.</bibl>;
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 28                                        <p>rectangular <material>lead</material> <objectType>tablet</objectType> folded three times, broken at the left corner 
 29                                            (dimensions: 
 30                                            <dimensions>
 31                                                <width unit="cm">15.8</width>
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 33                                            </dimensions>)</p>
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 35                                </supportDesc>
 36                                <layoutDesc>
 37                                    <layout>the text of the letter is quoted left to right in the interior face, while the address is engraved in the exterior face</layout>
 38                                </layoutDesc>
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 40                            <handDesc>
 41                                <handNote>archaic ionic alphabet</handNote>
 42                            </handDesc>
 43                        </physDesc>
 44                        <history>
 45                            <origin>
 46                                <ab><origPlace><placeName>Olbia</placeName> (North shore of the Black Sea)</origPlace></ab>
 47                                <ab><origDate notBefore="-0525" notAfter="-0500" precision="low">late VI century BC</origDate></ab>
 48                            </origin>
 49                            <provenance>
 50                                <listEvent>
 51                                    <event type="found">
 52                                        <p><placeName>Olbia</placeName>, agora</p>
 53                                    </event>
 54                                    <event type="observed">
 55                                        <p>unknown (somewhere in Russia or Ukraina)</p>
 56                                    </event>
 57                                </listEvent>
 58                            </provenance>
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 65            <p>Marked-up according to the EpiDoc Guidelines and Schema, version 8</p>
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 67                <p>Sample for a Corpus of Greek Economical Inscriptions</p>
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 74                <language ident="grc-Latn">Transliterated Greek</language>
 75                <language ident="en">English</language>
 76                <language ident="it">Italian</language>
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 82                <keywords scheme="subjects">
 83                    <term>goods</term>
 84                    <term>trade</term>
 85                    <term>merchants</term>
 86                </keywords>
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 88                    <term>businessman's letter</term>
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 96    <text>
 97        <body>
 98            <div type="bibliography" subtype="referenceEdition">
 99                <head>Reference edition</head>
100                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0131">Dana 2004</ref></bibl>
101            </div>
102            <div type="bibliography" subtype="editions">
103                <head>Other editions</head>
104                <bibl>Vinogradov 1981, 19;</bibl>
105                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0132">Santiago 2006</ref>;</bibl>
106                <bibl>Dana 2007, 75-76, no. 3;</bibl>
107                <bibl>Ceccarelli 2013, no. 5</bibl>
108            </div>
109            <div type="bibliography" subtype="illustrations">
110                <head>Photographs</head>
111                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0131">Dana 2004</ref>, 5 (facsimile);</bibl>
112                <bibl>Dana 2007, 75 (facsimile)</bibl>
113            </div>
114            <div type="bibliography" subtype="other">
115                <head>Translations</head>
116                <bibl>Wilson 1997/1998, 38-40 (English);</bibl>
117                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0131">Dana 2004, 6 (French);</ref></bibl>
118                <bibl>Dana 2007, 76 (French);</bibl>
119                <bibl>Ceccarelli 2013, no. 5 (English)</bibl>
120            </div>
121            <div type="bibliography" subtype="other">
122                <head>Bibliography</head>
123                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0133">Bravo 1977</ref>, 58, no. 62;</bibl>
124                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0008">Jeffery, Johnston, <title>LSAG</title></ref><edition>2</edition>, <biblScope unit="page">430, 479</biblScope> no. H, <biblScope unit="page">480</biblScope>;</bibl>
125                    <bibl>Vinogradov 1997, <biblScope unit="page">84</biblScope>, note 84;</bibl>
126                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0055">Wilson 1997/1998</ref>, <biblScope unit="page">38-40</biblScope>;</bibl>
127                    <bibl>Vinogradov 1999, <biblScope unit="page">140</biblScope>;</bibl>
128                    <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0022">Faraguna 2002</ref>, <biblScope unit="page">246 ff.</biblScope>;</bibl>
129                    <bibl>Gavriljuk 2003, <biblScope unit="page">80</biblScope>;</bibl>
130                    <bibl><author>L. Dubois</author>, <title>BE</title> 2005 366;</bibl>
131                    <bibl>Eidinow, Taylor 2010, no. E5;</bibl>
132                    <bibl>Ceccarelli 2013, 338</bibl>
133            </div>
134            <div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" xml:space="preserve">
135                <div type="textpart" subtype="face" n="A (exterior of the tablet)">
136                    <ab>
137                        <lb n="1"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0070"><name nymRef="Ἀπατούριος"><w lemma="Ἀπατούριος">Ἀπατόριος</w></name></persName>
138                        <lb n="2"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0069"><name nymRef="Λεάναξ"><w lemma="Λεάναξ">Λεάνακτι</w></name></persName>
139                    </ab>
140                </div>
141                <div type="textpart" subtype="face" n="B">
142                    <ab>
143                        <lb n="1"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0069"><name nymRef="Λεάναξ"><w lemma="Λεάναξ">Λήνακτι</w></name></persName> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0070"><name nymRef="Ἀπατούριος"><w lemma="Ἀπατούριος">Ἀπατόριος</w></name></persName> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρήματα">χρήματα</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="συλάω">σισύλημαι</w></rs> <w lemma="ὑπό">ὐπ’</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0071"><name nymRef="Ἡρακλείδης"><w lemma="Ἡρακλείδης">Ἡρακ
144                        <lb break="no" n="2"/>λείδεω</w></name> <w lemma="ὁ">το͂</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0072"><name nymRef="Εὐθήριος"><w lemma="Εὐθήριος">Ε<supplied reason="lost"></supplied>θήριος</w></name></persName></persName> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="κατά">κατὰ</w> <w lemma="δύναμις">δύναμιν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὴν</w> <w lemma="σός">σὴν</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="μή">μὴ</w> <w lemma="ἀπόλλυμι">ἀπολέ
145                        <lb break="no" n="3"/>σω</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρήματα">χρήματα</w></rs> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <w lemma="γάρ">γὰρ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρήματα">χ<unclear>ρ</unclear><supplied reason="lost">ήμ</supplied>ατα</w></rs> <w lemma="σός">σὰ</w> <w lemma="φημί">ἐφάμην</w> <w lemma="εἰμί">ἐ͂ναι</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0073"><name nymRef="Μένων"><w lemma="Μένων">Μένω
146                        <lb break="no" n="4"/>ν</w></name></persName> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="φημί">ἔφατό</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="σύ">σε</w> <w lemma="ἐπιτίθημι">ἐπ<supplied reason="lost">ι</supplied>θε͂ναι</w> <w lemma="ἑαυτοῦ">ἐω<unclear>υτῶ</unclear>ι</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τ</w><w lemma="ἄλλος"><supplied reason="lost"></supplied><supplied reason="omitted">λ</supplied>λα</w> <w lemma="ὅσος">ὄσα</w> <w lemma="σύ">σὺ</w> <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτῶι</w> <w lemma="ἐπιτίθημι">ἐπέ
147                        <lb break="no" n="5"/>θηκας</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="πρός">π<supplied reason="lost">ρὸ</supplied>ς</w> <w lemma="φημί">ἔφατ<unclear>ο</unclear></w> <w lemma="σύ"><surplus>σ’</surplus></w> <w lemma="ἐγώ">ἐμοὶ</w> <w lemma="σός">σὰ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρήματα">χρήματα</w></rs> <w lemma="ἔνειμι">ἐνῆν</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="ἐάν">ἰὰν</w> <w lemma="ἐπιτίθημι">ἐπιθε
148                        <lb break="no" n="6"/>ίης</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="διφθέριον">διφθέρια</w></rs> <w lemma="πρός">π<supplied reason="lost">ρὸς</supplied></w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0071"><name nymRef="Ἡρακλείδης"><w lemma="Ἡρακλείδης">Ἡρακλείδην</w></name></persName> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0074"><name nymRef="Θαθαίη"><w lemma="Θαθαίη">Θαθαίην</w></name></persName> <g type="tripunct"/> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρήματα">χρήματα</w></rs> <w lemma="σύ">σ
149                        <lb break="no" n="7"/><unclear>ο</unclear></w> <orig><unclear>υσ</unclear></orig> <w lemma="ὁπόσος">ὀπό<supplied reason="lost">σο̄</supplied></w>, <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀποδίδωμι"><supplied reason="lost">ἀποδ</supplied><unclear></unclear>σε̄</w></rs>· <w lemma="ἐκεῖνος">κε͂νοι</w> <w lemma="γάρ">γάρ</w> <w lemma="φημί">φασιν</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="ὅστις"> τι</w> <w lemma="σός">σὸν</w> <w lemma="ἔχω">ἔχοσιν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀποδίδωμι">ἀποδώ
150                        <lb break="no" n="8"/><supplied reason="lost">σεν</supplied></w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <g type="dipunct"/> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="συλάω">συλη<supplied reason="lost">θὲν</supplied></w></rs> <w lemma="ὅλος"><supplied reason="lost">ὄλ</supplied>ον</w> <measure type="currency" unit="stater" quantity="27"><num value="27"><w lemma="ἑπτά">ἐπτὰ</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="εἴκοσι">εἴκοσιν</w></num> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="στατήρ">στατῆρες</w></rs></measure>· <space/>
151                        <lb n="9"/><w lemma="τίς"><supplied reason="lost" cert="low">τί</supplied></w> <w lemma="ἐθέλω"><supplied reason="lost">θε</supplied>λήσες</w>; <w lemma="περί">περὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶν</w> <w lemma="οἰκέτης">οἰκιητέων</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0075"><name nymRef="Θυμώλεως"><w lemma="Θυμώλεως">Θυμώλεω</w></name></persName>
152                        <lb n="10"/><gap reason="lost" atLeast="10" atMost="11" unit="character" precision="low"/> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0076"><name nymRef="Εὐθύμιος"><w lemma="Εὐθύμιος"><supplied reason="lost" cert="low">Εὀ</supplied>θυμίωι</w></name></persName> <g type="dipunct"/> <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτῶι</w> <w lemma="ἐγώ">μοι</w> <w lemma="οὐ">οὐκ</w> <w lemma="οἶδα">οἶδα</w> <w lemma="ἤν">ἢν</w> <surplus>Ε</surplus> <w lemma="γίγνομαι">γένηται</w> <w lemma="εὖ">εὀ͂</w>
153                        <space unit="line" quantity="1"/>
154                    </ab>
155                </div>
156            </div>
157            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve">
158                <lb/>
159                <lb/>
160                <lb/><p>Bravo, B. (1977), ‘Remarques sur les assises sociales, les formes d’organisation et la terminologie du commerce maritime à l’époque archaïque’, <title>DHA</title> 3, 1-59</p>
161                <lb/><p>Ceccarelli, P. (2013), <title>Ancient Greek Letter Writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC)</title>, Oxford</p>
162                <lb/><p>Dana, M. (2004), ‘Lettre sur plomb d’Apatorios à Léanax. Un document archaïque d’Olbia du Pont’, <title>ZPE</title> 148, 1-14</p>
163                <lb/><p>Dana, M. (2007), ‘Lettres grecques dialectales nord-pontiques (sauf <title>IGDOP</title> 23-26)’, <title>REA</title> 109, 67-97</p>
164                <lb/><p>Eidinow, E. and C. Taylor (2010), ‘Lead-Letter Days: Writing, Communication and Crisis in the Ancient Greek World’, <title>CQ</title> 60, 30-62</p>
165                <lb/><p>Faraguna, M. (2002), ‘Scrittura, commercio e pratiche giuridiche. Recenti studi sull’’emporía’ greca’, <title>Dike</title> 5, 237-254</p>
166                <lb/><p>Gavriljuk, N.A. (2003), ‘The Graeco-Scythian Slave-Trade in the 6th and 5th Centuries BC’, in P. Guldager Bilde, V.F. Stolba, J. Munk Højte (eds.), <title>The Cauldron of Ariantas. Studies Presented to A.N. Sceglov on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday</title>, Aarhus, 75-85</p>
167                <lb/><p>Santiago, R.A. and M. Gardeñes (2006), ‘Algunas observaciones a la ‘Lettre d’Apatorios à Léanax’’, <title>ZPE</title> 157, 57-69</p>
168                <lb/><p>Vinogradov, J.G. (1981), <title>Olbia: Geschichte einer altgriechischen Stadt am Schwarzen Meer</title>, Konstanz</p>
169                <lb/><p>Vinogradov, J.G. (1997), <title>Pontische Studien</title>, Mainz</p>
170                <lb/><p>Vinogradov, J.G. (1999), ‘Archaische und frühklassische Epigraphik im nördlichen Pontosraum’, in <title>XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina</title> (Roma 18-24 settembre 1997). Atti, I, Roma, 135-146</p>
171                <lb/><p>Wilson, J.P. (1997-1998), ‘The illiterate trader’, <title>BICS</title> 42, 29-53</p>
173            </div>
174        </body>
175    </text>