Kyme. Fragmentary decree about an advance of funds (I.Kyme copy)

[ - - - ]
[. 8-10.]· τὸ δὲ ἀν̣[άλωμα τὸ] ἐσσόμενον εἴς τε τ[αὶς στάλλαις]
[καὶ] τοὶς πρεσβευτα[ὶς] παρακαλέσσαι τὸν ταμίαν Εὔιππον προεισε-
νέγκαι ἐπὶ πόρῳ τοῖς πρώτοις πορισθησομένοισι εἰς τὰμ φυλακὰν τᾶς
πόλιος μετὰ πρύτανιν Ἡρακλείδαν· τοὶς δὲ χρεοφύλακας ἀναγρά-
5ψαι αὐτῷ τὰν πόλιν ὀφέλλοισαν τόκω ἕκτω καὶ τὸν ταμίαν τὸν ἀπο-
δειχθησόμενον ἐπὶ τᾶς διοικήσιος ἀποδόμεναι αὐτῷ τό τε ἀρχαῖον
καὶ τὸν τόκον ἐκ τῶ πόρω τῶ γεγραμμένω· τᾶς δὲ ἀναγραφᾶς
καὶ τᾶς ἀναθέσιος τᾶν σταλλᾶν ἐπιμελήθην τοὶς ⟦[. 10.]⟧
ἄν̣δρας τοὶς ἀποδειχθησομένοις· ἔμμεναι δὲ τὸ ψάφισμα τοῦτ[ο]
10εἰς φυλακὰν καὶ σωτηρίαν τᾶς πόλιος καὶ τᾶς χώρας κύριον εἰς
πάντα τὸν χρόνον· τὸν δὲ ἀποδεδειγμένον εἰσαγωγέα τῶ νό-
μω Ε[...]ρ̣ον εἰσενέγκαι αὐτὸ εἰς̣ τὸ νομοθετικὸν δικαστήριον, ἵνα
ὑπάρχῃ ἀσφάλεια τᾷ πόλει καὶ τᾷ χώρᾳ ἐννόμως̣ κατὰ πάντα τρό-
πον· ἀναγινώσκεσθαι δὲ τοῦτο τὸ ψ̣άφισμα κατ’ ἑκάσταν ἐκκλη̣-
15[σί]αν, ἐπεί κε ἀποδειχθῇ τὸ στρατάγιον. πρέσβεις· Εὔιππος Λαονί-
[κ]ω, Ἀνδρέας Ἡροστράτω, Νικήρατος Ἀπολλοδώρω, Πολύφρων̣ (vac. )
[Εὐ]μ̣ήδω· μηννὸς Ἀμcολωίω τρίτᾳ ἀπιόντος, στραταγῶ ἐπεστακόν̣-
[τος] Ἀνδρέα τῶ Ἡροστράτω, ἐπὶ πρυτάνιος Ἡρακλείδα τῶ Ζωίλω.
(vac. )
[ - - - the expense that] will be sustained for [the stelai and] the ambassadors, it shall be requested that the treasurer Euippos pays it in advance, taking as guarantee the fund consisting of the first revenues for the protection of the city after the prytany of Herakleidas; the keepers of the register of debts shall write down that the city is indebted to him at an interest rate of one sixth, and the treasurer who will be appointed to the administration shall pay back to him both the original sum and the interest from the above-mentioned fund; the men who will be appointed to the task shall provide for the inscription and the erection of the stelai; this decree shall be valid for the protection and safety of the city and its territory forever; the man who has been appointed “introducer of the law”, E[...]os, shall bring it before the tribunal of the nomothetai, so that the city and its territory shall enjoy security in conformity with the law in every respect; this decree shall be read in every assembly, whenever the college of the strategoi is appointed.
Ambassadors: Euippos, son of Laonikos, Andreas, son of Herostratos, Nikeratos, son of Apollodoros, Polyphron, son of [Eu]medes; on the third-to-last day of the month of Amoloios, while the strategos Andreas, son of Herostratos, was president, under the prytany of Herakleidas, son of Zoilos.
See the theater copy of this same document

Baltazzi, D. (1888), ‘Inscriptions de l’Éolide’, BCH 12, 358-376
Engelmann, H. (1973), ‘Zu einer Inschrift von Kyme’, ZPE 10, 87-89
Etienne, R. (1973), ‘Sur une proeisphora à Kymé d’Eolide’, ZPE 12, 239-246
Hamon, P. (2008), ‘Kymè d’Éolide, cité libre et démocratique, et le pouvoir des stratèges’, Chiron 38, 63-106
Hoffmann, O. (1893), Die griechischen Dialekte in ihrem historischen Zusammenhange, II, Göttingen
Plassart, A. and C. Picard (1913), ‘Inscriptions d’Éolide et d’Ionie’, BCH 37, 155-246
Author: Martina Astrid Rodda Last update: March 2017 DOI: 10.25429/
TM Number: 844699 Author: Martina Astrid Rodda Last Update: March 2017 DOI: 10.25429/
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  7                <title>Kyme. Fragmentary decree about an advance of funds (I.Kyme copy)</title>
  8                <editor>Donatella Erdas</editor>
  9                <editor>Anna Magnetto</editor>
 10                <editor>Martina Astrid Rodda</editor>
 11            </titleStmt>
 12            <publicationStmt>
 13                <authority>Laboratory of Computer Sciences for Ancient Languages, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa</authority>
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 18                <ab>Aimed for
 19                <bibl xml:id="ErdMagCS"><author>D. Erdas</author>, <author>A. Magnetto</author>, 
 20                    <title>Corpus delle iscrizioni economiche greche</title> in c.s.</bibl>;
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 26                        <physDesc>
 27                            <objectDesc>
 28                                <supportDesc>
 29                                    <support>
 30                                        <p>
 31                                            Original lost; uninscribed space at the bottom of the text reported by <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2113">Plassart, Picard 1913</ref></bibl> (dimensions of the inscribed section: <dimensions><height unit="metre" quantity="0.45"> 0.45</height> <width unit="metre" quantity="0.54"> 0.54</width></dimensions>)
 32                                        </p>
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 40                                <handNote><height unit="metre" quantity="0.011"> 0.011</height>. Features of Aeolic dialect (“impure”  retained; psilosis (<foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐπεστακόντος</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="grc">κατ’ ἑκάσταν</foreign>, otherwise unmarked); -λλ- &lt; -λν-, -ισ- &lt; -νσ- (<foreign xml:lang="grc">ὀφέλλοισα</foreign>); 1st decl. gen. pl. -ᾶν, acc. pl. -αις; 2nd decl. gen. sing. -ω, dat. pl. -οισι, acc. pl. -οις; ι-stem gen. sing. -ιος; athematic inf. -μεναι; perf. act. pple. -ων, -οντος; <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἔσσομαι</foreign> for <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἔσομαι</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="grc">παρακαλέσσαι</foreign> for <foreign xml:lang="grc">παρακαλέσαι</foreign>; <foreign xml:lang="grc">μηννός</foreign> for <foreign xml:lang="grc">μηνός</foreign>). Barytonesis and psilosis are not marked in the text below</handNote>
 41                            </handDesc>
 42                        </physDesc>
 44                        <history>
 45                            <origin>
 46                                <ab><origPlace><placeName>Kyme</placeName></origPlace></ab>
 47                                <ab><origDate notBefore="-0275" notAfter="-0250" precision="low" evidence="lettering">Second quarter of the third century BC (Hamon 2008)</origDate></ab>
 48                            </origin>
 49                            <provenance>
 50                                <listEvent>
 51                                    <event type="found">
 52                                        <p>Found private house in <placeName>Çakmaklı</placeName>, 1880, by Pottier and Reinach</p>
 53                                    </event>
 54                                    <event type="observed">
 55                                        <p>Unknown</p>
 56                                    </event>       
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 58                            </provenance>
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 67            <p>Marked-up according to the EpiDoc Guidelines and Schema, version 8</p>
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 69                <p>Sample for a Corpus of Greek Economical Inscriptions</p>
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 74                <language ident="grc">Ancient Greek</language>
 75                <language ident="la">Latin</language>
 76                <language ident="grc-Latn">Transliterated Greek</language>
 77                <language ident="en">English</language>
 78                <language ident="it">Italian</language>
 79                <language ident="fr">French</language>
 80                <language ident="de">German</language>
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 84                <keywords scheme="subject">
 85                    <term>advance of funds</term>
 86                    <term>proeisphora</term>
 87                    <term>city funds</term>
 88                    <term>public administration</term>
 89                    <term>treasurer</term>
 90                    <term>strategos</term>
 91                    <term>college of strategoi</term>
 92                    <term>interest rate</term>
 93                    <term>defense of the city</term>
 94                    <term>ambassadors</term>
 95                    <term>erection of stelai</term>
 96                    <term>nomothetai</term>
 97                </keywords>
 98                <keywords scheme="type">
 99                    <term>decree</term>
100                </keywords>
101                <keywords scheme="context">
102                    <term/>
103                </keywords>                
105            </textClass>
106        </profileDesc>
107    </teiHeader>
108    <text>
109        <body>
111            <div type="bibliography" subtype="referenceEdition">
112                <head>Reference edition</head>
113                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2107">Hamon 2008</ref>, 81-86</bibl>
114            </div>
116            <div type="bibliography" subtype="editions">
117                <head>Other editions</head>
118                <bibl>ed. pr. <ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2108">Baltazzi 1888</ref>, 362-364</bibl>
119                <bibl>(<ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2109">Hoffmann 1893</ref>, no. 157;</bibl>
120                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl0002">H.W. Pleket, <title>Epigraphica</title></ref> 38;</bibl>
121                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2110">Engelmann 1973, 87-89</ref> (ll. 2-7);</bibl>
122                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2111">Etienne 1973, 239-246</ref>;</bibl>
123                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2112">H. Engelmann, <title level="m">I.Kyme</title></ref> 12;</bibl>
124                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2004">Migeotte, <title level="m">Emprunt</title></ref> 80 (ll. 1-7))</bibl>
125            </div>
127            <div type="bibliography" subtype="illustrations">
128                <head>Photographs</head>
129                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2108">Baltazzi 1888</ref> (facs.);</bibl>
130                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2107">Hamon 2008</ref> (phot. of the squeeze)</bibl>
131            </div>
133            <div type="bibliography" subtype="translations">
134                <head>Translations</head>
135                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2110">Engelmann 1973, 87-89</ref> (ll. 2-7; in German);</bibl>
136                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2112">H. Engelmann, <title level="m">I.Kyme</title></ref> 12 (in German);</bibl>
137                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2004">Migeotte, <title level="m">Emprunt</title></ref> 80 (ll. 1-7; in French)</bibl>
138            </div>
140            <div type="bibliography" subtype="other">
141                <head>Bibliography</head>
142                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2113">Plassart, Picard 1913</ref>, 169-175</bibl>
143                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999">P. Roussel, <title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1914 464;</bibl>
144                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999">J. and L. Robert, <title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1973 370;</bibl>
145                <bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999">J. and L. Robert, <title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1974 468</bibl>
146            </div>
148            <div type="edition" xml:lang="grc" xml:space="preserve">
149                <ab>
150                    <lb n="0"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
151                    <lb n="1"/><gap reason="lost" atLeast="8" atMost="10" unit="character"/>· <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ἀνάλωμα"><unclear>ν</unclear><supplied reason="lost">άλωμα</supplied></w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ"><supplied reason="lost">τὸ</supplied></w> <w lemma="εἰμί">ἐσσόμενον</w> <w lemma="εἰς">εἴς</w> <w lemma="τε">τε</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τ<supplied reason="lost">αὶς</supplied></w> <w lemma="στήλη"><supplied reason="lost">στάλλαις</supplied></w>
152                    <lb n="2"/><w lemma="καί"><supplied reason="lost">καὶ</supplied></w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοὶς</w> <w lemma="πρεσβευτής">πρεσβευτα<supplied reason="lost">ὶς</supplied></w> <w lemma="παρακαλέω">παρακαλέσσαι</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ταμίας">ταμίαν</w></rs> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0238"><name nymRef="Εὔιππος"><w lemma="Εὔιππος">Εὔιππον</w></name></persName> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="προεισφέρω">προεισε<lb n="3" break="no"/>νέγκαι</w></rs> 
153                    <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="πόρος">πόρῳ</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τοῖς</w> <w lemma="πρῶτος">πρώτοις</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="πορίζω">πορισθησομένοισι</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">εἰς</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰμ</w> <w lemma="φυλακή">φυλακὰν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w>
154                    <lb n="4"/><w lemma="πόλις">πόλιος</w> <w lemma="μετά">μετὰ</w> <w lemma="πρύτανις">πρύτανιν</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0240"><name nymRef="Ἡρακλείδας"><w lemma="Ἡρακλείδας">Ἡρακλείδαν</w></name></persName>· <w lemma="ὁ">τοὶς</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="χρεωφύλαξ">χρεοφύλακας</w></rs> <w lemma="ἀναγράφω">ἀναγρά<lb n="5" break="no"/>ψαι</w>
155                    <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτῷ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὰν</w> <w lemma="πόλις">πόλιν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ὀφείλω">ὀφέλλοισαν</w></rs> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="τόκος">τόκω</w></rs> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτω</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="ταμίας">ταμίαν</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <w lemma="ἀποδείκνυμι">ἀπο<lb n="6" break="no"/>δειχθησόμενον</w> 
156                    <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="διοίκησις">διοικήσιος</w></rs> <w lemma="ἀποδίδωμι">ἀποδόμεναι</w> <w lemma="ἀυτός">αὐτῷ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τό</w> <w lemma="τε">τε</w> <w lemma="ἀρχαῖος">ἀρχαῖον</w>
157                    <lb n="7"/><w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="τόκος">τόκον</w></rs> <w lemma="ἐκ">ἐκ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶ</w> <rs type="economic"><w lemma="πόρος">πόρω</w></rs> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶ</w> <w lemma="γράφω">γεγραμμένω</w>· <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ἀναγραφή">ἀναγραφᾶς</w>
158                    <lb n="8"/><w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w> <w lemma="ἀνάθεσις">ἀναθέσιος</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶν</w> <w lemma="στήλη">σταλλᾶν</w> <w lemma="ἐπιμελέομαι">ἐπιμελήθην</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοὶς</w> <del rend="erasure"><gap reason="lost" quantity="10" unit="character"/></del>
159                    <lb n="9"/><w lemma="ἀνήρ"><unclear>ν</unclear>δρας</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τοὶς</w> <w lemma="ἀποδείκνυμι">ἀποδειχθησομένοις</w>· <w lemma="εἰμί">ἔμμεναι</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <w lemma="ψήφισμα">ψάφισμα</w> <w lemma="οὖτος">τοῦτ<supplied reason="lost">ο</supplied></w>
160                    <lb n="10"/><w lemma="εἰς">εἰς</w> <w lemma="φυλακή">φυλακὰν</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="σωτηρία">σωτηρίαν</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w> <w lemma="πόλις">πόλιος</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾶς</w> <w lemma="χώρα">χώρας</w> <w lemma="κύριος">κύριον</w> <w lemma="εἰς">εἰς</w>
161                    <lb n="11"/><w lemma="πᾶς">πάντα</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <w lemma="χρόνος">χρόνον</w>· <w lemma="ὁ">τὸν</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="ἀποδείκνυμι">ἀποδεδειγμένον</w> <w lemma="εἰσαγωγεύς">εἰσαγωγέα</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶ</w> <w lemma="νόμος">νό<lb n="12" break="no"/>μω</w> 
162                    <w part="Y">Ε<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/><unclear>ρ</unclear>ον</w> <w lemma="εἰσφέρω">εἰσενέγκαι</w> <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτὸ</w> <w lemma="εἰς">εἰ<unclear>ς</unclear></w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <w lemma="νομοθετικός">νομοθετικὸν</w> <w lemma="δικαστήριον">δικαστήριον</w>, <w lemma="ἵνα">ἵνα</w>
163                    <lb n="13"/><w lemma="ὑπάρχω">ὑπάρχῃ</w> <w lemma="ἀσφάλεια">ἀσφάλεια</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾷ</w> <w lemma="πόλις">πόλει</w> <w lemma="καί">καὶ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τᾷ</w> <w lemma="χώρα">χώρᾳ</w> <w lemma="ἔννομος">ἐννόμω<unclear>ς</unclear></w> <w lemma="κατά">κατὰ</w> <w lemma="πᾶς">πάντα</w> <w lemma="τρόπος">τρό<lb n="14" break="no"/>πον</w>·
164                    <w lemma="ἀναγιγνώσκω">ἀναγινώσκεσθαι</w> <w lemma="δέ">δὲ</w> <w lemma="οὖτος">τοῦτο</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <w lemma="ὁ"><unclear>ψ</unclear>άφισμα</w> <w lemma="κατά">κατ’</w> <w lemma="ἕκαστος">ἑκάσταν</w> <w lemma="ἐκκλησία">ἐκκλ<unclear>η</unclear><lb n="15" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">σί</supplied>αν</w>, 
165                    <w lemma="ἐπεί">ἐπεί</w> <w lemma="κε">κε</w> <w lemma="ἀποδείκνυμι">ἀποδειχθῇ</w> <w lemma="ὁ">τὸ</w> <w lemma="στρατήγιον">στρατάγιον</w>. <w lemma="πρέσβυς">πρέσβεις</w>· <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0238"><name nymRef="Εὔιππος"><w lemma="Εὔιππος">Εὔιππος</w></name> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0239"><name nymRef="Λαόνικος"><w lemma="Λαόνικος">Λαονί<lb n="16" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">κ</supplied>ω</w></name></persName></persName>,
166                    <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0242"><name nymRef="Ἀνδρέας"><w lemma="Ἀνδρέας">Ἀνδρέας</w></name> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0243"><name nymRef="Ἡρόστρατος"><w lemma="Ἡρόστρατος">Ἡροστράτω</w></name></persName></persName>, <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0244"><name nymRef="Νικήρατος"><w lemma="Νικήρατος">Νικήρατος</w></name> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0245"><name nymRef="Ἀπολλόδωρος"><w lemma="Ἀπολλόδωρος">Ἀπολλοδώρω</w></name></persName></persName>, <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0246"><name nymRef="Πολύφρων"><w lemma="Πολύφρων">Πολύφρω<unclear>ν</unclear></w></name> <space extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <lb n="17"/><persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0247"><name nymRef="Εὐμήδης"><w lemma="Εὐμήδης"><supplied reason="lost">Εὐ</supplied><unclear>μ</unclear>ήδω</w></name></persName></persName>· 
167                    <w lemma="μείς">μηννὸς</w> <w lemma="Ἀμολώιος">Ἀμc<corr>ο</corr>λωίω</w> <w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτᾳ</w> <w lemma="ἄπειμι">ἀπιόντος</w>, <w lemma="στρατηγός">στραταγῶ</w> <w lemma="ἐφίστημι">ἐπεστακό<unclear>ν</unclear><lb n="18" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">τος</supplied></w> 
168                    <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0242"><name nymRef="Ἀνδρέας"><w lemma="Ἀνδρέας">Ἀνδρέα</w></name> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0243"><name nymRef="Ἡρόστρατος"><w lemma="Ἡρόστρατος">Ἡροστράτω</w></name></persName></persName>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="πρύτανις">πρυτάνιος</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0240"><name nymRef="Ἡρακλείδας"><w lemma="Ἡρακλείδας">Ἡρακλείδα</w></name> <w lemma="ὁ">τῶ</w> <persName type="private" ref="GEIListPers/#pvt0241"><name nymRef="Ζωΐλος "><w lemma="Ζωΐλος ">Ζωίλω</w></name></persName></persName>.
169                    <lb/><space extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
170                </ab>
171            </div>
173            <div type="apparatus" xml:lang="la">
174                <head>Apparatus criticus</head>
175                <p>
176                    l. 1: <foreign xml:lang="grc">τὸ δὲ <unclear>ν</unclear><supplied reason="lost">άλωμα τὸ</supplied></foreign> : suppl. by J. and L. Robert (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999"><title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1973 370</bibl>), Etienne; <foreign xml:lang="grc"><orig><unclear>Χ</unclear>ΟΛΕΑΙ</orig></foreign> Plassart, Picard. <foreign>τ<supplied reason="lost">αὶς στάλλαις</supplied></foreign> : suppl. by Hamon (see theater copy, l. 2).
177                    l. 2: <foreign xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">καί</supplied></foreign> : suppl. by Hamon. <foreign xml:lang="grc">πρεσβευτα<supplied reason="lost">ὶς</supplied></foreign> : <foreign xml:lang="grc">πρεσβευτα<supplied reason="lost">ίσι</supplied></foreign> Etienne, <foreign>πρεσβεύτα<supplied reason="lost">ισι</supplied></foreign> Engelmann (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2112"><title level="m">I.Kyme</title></ref></bibl>); see however J. and L. Robert (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999"><title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1974, no. 468</bibl>). <foreign xml:lang="grc">παρακαλέσσαι</foreign> : read by Hamon; <foreign xml:lang="grc">παρακαλέσαι</foreign> others.
178                    l. 3: <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐπὶ πόρῳ</foreign> : <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐπὶ πόρω</foreign> Pleket, Etienne; <foreign xml:lang="la">contra</foreign> J. and L. Robert (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl1999"><title level="j">BE</title></ref> 1973, no. 370</bibl>). <foreign xml:lang="grc">πορισθησομένοισι</foreign> : <foreign xml:lang="grc">πορισσθησομένοισι</foreign> Pleket, Engelmann (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2112"><title level="m">I.Kyme</title></ref></bibl>).
179                    ll. 5-6: <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἀπο|δειχθησόμενον</foreign> : read by Hamon; <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἀπ|οδειχθησόμενον</foreign> others.
180                    l. 8: in rasura perhaps <foreign xml:lang="grc"><del rend="erasure"><orig><unclear>ΑΝ</unclear></orig><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></del></foreign> (Hamon).
181                    l. 9: <foreign xml:lang="grc"><unclear>ν</unclear>δρας</foreign> : read by Hamon; <foreign xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">ν</supplied>δρας</foreign> or <foreign xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">ν</supplied><unclear>δ</unclear>ρας</foreign> others.
182                    l. 12: <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ε<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/><unclear>ρ</unclear>ον</foreign> : <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ε<supplied reason="lost">ὔδω</supplied>ρον</foreign> Hamon; <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ε<supplied reason="lost"></supplied><supplied reason="lost" cert="low">πι</supplied>ον</foreign> Plassart, Picard; <foreign xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">π</supplied><supplied reason="lost">νυμ</supplied>ον</foreign> or <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ε<supplied reason="lost"></supplied><supplied reason="lost">νυμ</supplied>ον</foreign> Engelmann (<bibl><ref target="GEIBibl/#bibl2112"><title level="m">I.Kyme</title></ref></bibl>).
183                    ll. 14-15: <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐκκλ<unclear>η</unclear>|<supplied reason="lost">σί</supplied>αν</foreign> : read by Hamon; <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐκκλε|σίαν</foreign> Baltazzi (corr. by all eds. in <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐκκλ<corr>E</corr>-</foreign>); <foreign xml:lang="grc">-<supplied reason="lost">σί</supplied>αν</foreign> Plassart, Picard.
184                    l. 17: <foreign xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">Εὐ</supplied><unclear>μ</unclear>ήδω</foreign> : Hamon (see theater copy, l. 16); <foreign xml:lang="grc">Παλα|μήδω</foreign> Baltazzi, <foreign xml:lang="grc">-μμήδω</foreign> Plassart, Picard and subsequent eds.. <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ἀμ<corr>ο</corr>λωίω</foreign> : read and corr. by Hamon (see theater copy, l. 17); <foreign xml:lang="grc">Ἀμαλω<supplied reason="lost">ίω</supplied></foreign> others.
185                    ll. 17-18: <foreign xml:lang="grc">ἐπεστακό<unclear>ν</unclear>|<supplied reason="lost">τος</supplied></foreign> : read by Hamon (see theater copy, l. 18); <foreign>ἐπεστακότ|<supplied reason="lost">ος</supplied></foreign> others.
186                </p>    
187            </div>
189            <div type="translation" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve">
190                <head>Translation</head>
191                <lb/><p><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/> <supplied reason="lost">the expense that</supplied> will be sustained for <supplied reason="lost">the <foreign xml:lang="grc-Latn">stelai</foreign> and</supplied> the ambassadors, it shall be requested that the treasurer Euippos pays it in advance, taking as guarantee the fund consisting of the first revenues for the protection of the city after the prytany of Herakleidas; the keepers of the register of debts shall write down that the city is indebted to him at an interest rate of one sixth, and the treasurer who will be appointed to the administration shall pay back to him both the original sum and the interest from the above-mentioned fund; the men who will be appointed to the task shall provide for the inscription and the erection of the stelai; this decree shall be valid for the protection and safety of the city and its territory forever; the man who has been appointed “introducer of the law”, E<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/>os, shall bring it before the tribunal of the <foreign xml:lang="grc-Latn">nomothetai</foreign>, so that the city and its territory shall enjoy security in conformity with the law in every respect; this decree shall be read in every assembly, whenever the college of the <foreign xml:lang="grc-Latn">strategoi</foreign> is appointed.</p>
192                <lb/><p>Ambassadors: Euippos, son of Laonikos, Andreas, son of Herostratos, Nikeratos, son of Apollodoros, Polyphron, son of <supplied reason="lost">Eu</supplied>medes; on the third-to-last day of the month of Amoloios, while the <foreign xml:lang="grc-Latn">strategos</foreign> Andreas, son of Herostratos, was president, under the prytany of Herakleidas, son of Zoilos.</p>
193            </div>
195            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve">
196                <head>Commentary</head>
197                 <lb/><p>See the theater copy of this same document</p>
198                <lb/>
199                <lb/>
200                <lb/><p>Baltazzi, D. (1888), ‘Inscriptions de l’Éolide’, <title>BCH</title> 12, 358-376</p>
201                <lb/><p>Engelmann, H. (1973), ‘Zu einer Inschrift von Kyme’, <title>ZPE</title> 10, 87-89</p>
202                <lb/><p>Etienne, R. (1973), ‘Sur une proeisphora à Kymé d’Eolide’, <title>ZPE</title> 12, 239-246</p>
203                <lb/><p>Hamon, P. (2008), ‘Kymè d’Éolide, cité libre et démocratique, et le pouvoir des stratèges’, <title>Chiron</title> 38, 63-106</p>
204                <lb/><p>Hoffmann, O. (1893), <title>Die griechischen Dialekte in ihrem historischen Zusammenhange</title>, II, Göttingen</p>
205                <lb/><p>Plassart, A. and C. Picard (1913), ‘Inscriptions d’Éolide et d’Ionie’, <title>BCH</title> 37, 155-246</p>
207            </div>
209            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en">
210	    <head>Author</head>
211	    <p> Martina Astrid Rodda</p>
212            </div>
214              <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en">
215                <head>Last update</head>
216                <p>March 2017</p>
217            </div>
219            <div type="commentary" xml:lang="en">
220                <head>DOI</head>
221                <p> 10.25429/</p>
222            </div>
225        </body>
226    </text>