advance of funds 36B36A
aedile 39
agoranomoi 2224
agoranomos 14
allophretor 40
ambassadors 36B36A
anadasmos 5621
architect 34
assembly 40
associates 33
astynomoi 28
ateleia 31721
Athenian topography 25
attendant 42
auction 14
banker 3032
banquet 40
barley 24
basileus 19
benefactor 22
bid 4
billeting 37
borrow 40
borrowing 42
bronze 31
buy 22
chalkologos 40
charge 32
choregos 26
chremata 27
citizenship 27
city administration 41
city funds 36B36A
civic contributions 19
coinage 31
collaborators 33
college of strategoi 36B36A
commerce 3538
compensation 33
confiscation 2935
contract 2430333432
contractors 24
corn 2224
credit 113243
cult 38
death sentence 31
debts 192132
defense of the city 36B36A
Delphi 43
demos 24
denunciation/phasis 28
dioiketes 40
divinities of the phratry 40
donation 40
dorea 37
drainage 33
duties 21
duty 3335
duty’s exemption 33
eisphora 2326
ellimenion 35
ellimenistai 35
emporion 21
emporos 22
enepiskemma 29
enktesis 15
envoys 26
epinomia 5
erection of stelai 36B36A
exaction 40
exemption 1733
exemption from taxes/ateleia 28
expense 42
export 2027283335
famine 39
farming out 24
financier 32
fine 4035
fiscal oppression 37
fiscal privileges 37
fiscal reform 37
fiscality 1937
food supply 24
forgery 31
foundation 40
freightage 39
goods 18
grain 24
grain supply 2239
grants 1522
guarantor 42
guarantors 253334
hereditary privilege 27
honorary grant 27
honorific decree 3932
honors 172627
hospitality/xenia 26
houses 1011
hypotheke 29
import 227283335
impunity 33
income 42
indictment/endeixis 28
inner loan 19
interest rate 36B36A
interests 3032
Ionic building 34
irrigation 33
joint commercial enterprise 27
kolakretai 25
ktematonai 30
land 4568111215
land exploitation 33
lease 4122330
lease agreement 29
lease of land
leasing 33
leasing of land 253033
lend 40
lend money 42
little talent 19
loan 19304032
logismos 43
market 14
market price 22
marsh 33
measures 17
merchandise 35
merchants 15141820
metic tax/metoikion 26
mines 29
mining concession/diagraphe 29
money 3140
monopoly 28
mortgage 11
multiple charges 29
naopoioi 3443
nomothetai 36B36A
offerings 13
oikopedon 6
oiphelema 43
pay down 40
payment 4243
penalty 14
pentecoste 35
pentecostologoi 35
phratry 40
phretarchos 40
phrontistes 40
poletai 92529
prasis epi lysei 29
prices 7810
production 130
proeisphora 36B36A
prostatai 28
proxeny 2627
Ptolemaic administration 37
public administration 36B36A
public finance 32
purchase 1015
purchase of land 3041
real estate 71029
reclamation 33
refund 30
reimbursement 38
rent 1223
reprisal 33
right of appeal/ephesis 28
right of reprisal 33
Roman(s) 32
royal contributions 41
royal taxation 37
ruddle/miltos 28
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sacrificial prescription 38
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security 47829
sell 22
shipowner/naukleros 28
shipowners 39
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ships 39
slave 28
specifications 2534
stone stele 42
strategos 36B3936A
swamp 33
swampland 33
syngraphai 34
synteleia 19
tamiai 303132
tax contractor 38
tax exemption 3741
tax exemption/ateleia 27
taxes/taxation 3410171921232433373538
technitai 41
teichopoios 42
temple 42
temple of Apollo 43
the Eleven/hoi endeka 2829
Thessalian calendar 39
Thessalian league 39
timema 23
tokens/symbola 26
trade 214182026
transaction 40
transport 39
treasurer 36B36A38
tribute 19
vessel 28
vice-architect 34
wall-building 42
weighing 1417
wheat 39
wine 12
wool 14